This is an historic photograph folks. We were told that this was the last week the Burgos albergue in the park would be open and that the following week the new municipal albergue would open in town. (But actually, it was still quite a few weeks later before the new albergue opened...) I had a wonderful evening here in the 'Park' with various old friends....
Here is young Jenna from Canada, when we had a little snack stop just outside Burgos. Jenna had walked the first ten days with her Dad, who needed to head back to Canada for work, while she continued on by herself.... She was a fit young thing, and her pace picked up now, so this was the last time I saw her....
In France I had taken four 'rest days', where I had stayed an extra day in a gite/town. In Spain it was harder to take a 'rest day', as you basically had to be 'sick' to stay an extra day in the cheaper places. But after Burgos, L, D & I decided we would have a 'rest day' and only walk about 10km. It would have seemed crazy to me at the start that "10km" could feel like a "rest day" - but it truly did feel that way! We walked to Tardajos where we had a leisurely breakfast. Then we bought some supplies and walked on just 2 more km to Rabe de las Calzadas.
Of course we were far too early to get into the albergue, but that is what bars are for... Lemonade, coffee, beer, tables and chairs = relaxation.
Then a bit of a chilly wind began whipping around the bar, and we found a relatively sheltered spot near the church
and ate our lunch
until it was time to head for the albergue. The couple whose home contains the Santa Marina albergue have created a 'museum' of Camino memorabilia of various kinds. Outside in the sunshine, Denis, the only one amongst us who could speak more than a few words of Spanish, heard a lot about the Camino from the husband. And L & I relaxed with our feet up, with green clay put on them in gladwrap, by the wife, to help our various ankle/knee problems.
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